It takes courage to fill the gap – how to make regional cycling networks a success? German County Association, German Association of Towns and Municipalities (DStGB)
Wednesday 11.45 am – 01.00 pm / Block Side Event
There are many obstacles on the way to seamless cycle tracks and more cycling also in rural areas. In addition to providing the necessary financial and human resources for the construction of cycle tracks, it is important to coordinate the different responsible authorities and develop cycle tracks in such a way that they meet people’s mobility needs both at the regional and cross-municipal level. Filling gaps in the cycling network, both within and outside built-up areas, can be obstructed by ownership situations or a lack of instruments. Cycle tracks alongside roads cannot always be realized. Farm tracks or advisory cycle lanes outside built-up areas can be important supplementary building blocks for improving the municipal cycling infrastructure and filling gaps. The forum will discuss practical examples, success factors and obstacles in the development of regional cycling networks. There will also be room for the exchange of experiences among the participants.
Specific challenges of cycling development in rural areas
Dr Markus Brohm, German County Association (DLT)
Our plan: the regional cycle network of the Eastern Westphalia-Lippe region
Michael Rüngeler, Cycling Planning, Paderborn District
Cross-municipality cycling planning in the urban hinterland
Christoph Kollert, Eichwalde municipality
The country needs new tools – why advisory cycle lanes are also effective outside built-up areas
Günter Riemer, Working Group of Bicycle- and Pedestrian-Friendly Municipalities in Baden-Württemberg (AGFK-BW)
Jan Strehmann, German Association of Towns and Municipalities (DStGB)