The role of the federal states in the promotion of cycling today and in the future
Tuesday 02.00 – 03.15 pm / Block C1
Promoting cycling is first and foremost a local authority responsibility. However, the challenge is enormous, not least against the backdrop of current crises and developments such as the shortage of skilled labour. The question then arises as to which tasks can the federal states take on to promote cycling at the local level? The format provides an impetus for all those who directly or indirectly promote local government initiatives, be it on part of cities, municipalities and districts, federal states or the federal government.
Challenges for cycling promotion from the perspective of local authorities
Beatrice Soltys, Working Group of Bicycle- and Pedestrian-Friendly Municipalities in Baden-Württemberg (AGFK-BW)
Just do it: support for local authorities to boost local mobility in Hesse
Dr Klaus Dapp, Head of the Local mobility division (V 3) at the Hesse Ministry for Economics, Energy, Transport and Housing (HMWEVW)
Panel discussion:
- Mayor Beatrice Soltys
- Dr Klaus Dapp
- Dr Markus Brohm, German County Association (DLT), Assistant Head of the Rural areas division (31)
- Jan Strehmann, German Association of Towns and Municipalities, Head of Division
- Janet Weidemann, Deputy Head of the Cycling and Pedestrian Traffic Division at the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport
Kathrin Uhlemann, Saxony cycling and pedestrian interest group (wegebund Sachsen)