Secure parking facilities on privately owned spaces: what can local authorities do?
Wednesday 11.45 am – 01.00 pm / Block A4
The majority of bicycles are parked on privately owned spaces. Consequently, the quantity and quality of these parking facilities are of central importance. Cities and municipalities have various options for influencing this, both in new construction and conversion as well as in existing buildings. But what are they and what should be taken into account when using them?
Cycle parking facilities in municipal parking statutes
Doris Bäumer, North Rhine-Westphalia future mobility network (Zukunftsnetz Mobilität NRW)
Regulations for special bicycles in municipal statutes
Martin Schäfer, First Mayor, Gröbenzell municipality
Public spaces for private bicycles – a model for Germany?
Gregor Gaffga, City of Konstanz
Dr Angelika Jäkel, Baden-Württemberg local transport association (NVBW)